Sister Marianne Gaultier

Sister Marianne Gaultier’s prophecy dates back to the 17th century.

“As long as public prayers are said, nothing shall happen. But a time will come when public prayers shall cease. People will say: ‘Things will remain as they are.’

“All men will be taken away gradually in small groups. Only old men will remain. Before the great battle the wicked shall be masters (in France). They will do as much harm as they can, but not as much as they would like, because they shall not have enough time. The good Catholics shall be on the point of being annihilated but, O Power of God, as stroke from Heaven will save them. All the wicked shall perish, but also many good Catholics.

“Such extraordinary events shall take place that the most incredulous will be force to say: ‘Truly, the finger of God is here.’ There shall be a terrible night during which no one will be able to sleep. But these trials shall not last long because no one could endure them. When all shall appear lost, all will be saved.

“It is then that the Prince shall reign, whom people did not esteem before, but whom they shall then seek. The triumph of religion will be so great that no one has ever seen the equal. All injustices will be made good; civil laws will be made in harmony with the laws of God and of the Church. Education in the schools will be most Christian, and workers’ guilds will flourish again.”